Once upon a time, there was a little show by the name of "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers", a live action TV show that, like many other adapted Japanese series, have affected the very culture of America. The series has had countless incarnations over the last 13 years or so, and Mighty Morphin will always be the original. I came up with this idea a little before the summer started, and've been working hard on it ever since. It's shown off just about every trick in my arsenal of flash animation skills, and pays a (hopefully) hilarious tribute to a show that sparked my interest of action shows and anime back when I was just a little guy. We've got a kick-ass cast list of voice actors for this one, including several of the TTA cast, some all new VAs, and some special guests, including "DBZ in a nutshell" and "Metal Gear Awesome"'s Egoraptor as the voice of Zordon and Alpha 5!